BLC Couples Ministry - "Called to Covenant"

The Harewoods-Disney World 2008

This and That


Practical advice you can use in your relationship


Developing Intimacy: Setting Goals ...

 •What would enhance our marriage relationship?

•What would each of us like to see happen in our marriage?

•What are the kinds of activities that would keep our marriage alive?

•Would a daily sharing time enhance our relationship?

•How often would we like to go out for dinner?

•How often would we like to experience sexual intercourse?

•How often would we like to go on a weekend trip or take walks in the park?


Excerpted from Covenant Marriage by Gary Chapman. Copyright © 2003 by Gary D. Chapman Published by Broadman & Holman Publishers

What Good Friends Do...

 •Show concern for each others' happiness

•Look forward to spending time together

•Celebrate their joys and weep with their sorrows

•Grant space if the other needs it

•Know one another's weaknesses and don't point them out

•Praise one another's strengths

•Share their hearts with honesty and sensitivity

•Demonstrate trustworthiness

•Believe the best in each other

•Pray regularly for their friends and family


The Fourth Collection Copyright © 2002 by Alice Gray, Steve Stephens, John Van Diest Published by Multnomah Publishers, Inc



The Five Worst Times to try to Resolve Conflict ...

•Just before sleep

•Just before intimacy

•On the way to church

•When you're leaving for work

•When you've just stepped in the door